by Steve Ayris on 6 December, 2014

4 Responses

  1. Keith Derbyshire says:

    I always understood that J G Graves gave the land known as Graves Park to the City of Sheffield and not the Sheffield Labour Party.

    If Graves park is to be sold off, and I hope it will not, surely this is for the people of Sheffield to say and not the Labour Councillors.

    Selling off Graves Park and other land and property given by J G Graves would be an insult to his generosity.

    If Cobnar Cottage is a listed building then if Labour were successful the new owner should not be allowed to demolish it or make any major alterations.

  2. Jayne Russell says:

    Please leave Graves Park alone. It belongs to the Sheffield public – not councillors.

  3. Mark Crossley says:

    If it’s in the grounds of Graves Park it surely can’t be sold otherwise why not sell the whole park for housing and make Sheffield solvent again

  4. Ken Allsebrook says:

    I contacted the Charities Commission – here’s the exchange of e-mails. – Their response first….

    “Operations – Taunton (Queue)
    13:30 (1 hour ago)

    to me
    Our ref JJ-c409878-OpsT

    Dear Mr and Mrs Allsebrook
    Thank you for letting us know of your concerns about the charity Graves Park.

    We are currently establishing what the trustee’s (Sheffield City Council) intention is regarding the Park. If the trustee concludes that a disposal of part of the Park is in the best interests of the charity, we would expect the trustee to carry out a local consultation exercise. It would need to do that before approaching the Commission for any consent.

    Yours sincerely
    Jacqui Joyce
    e-mail: operationstaunton@charitycommission.gsi.gov.uk
    Tel: 03000 651879
    Post: Charity Commission Direct, PO Box 1227, Liverpool L69 3UG

    ——————- Original Message ——————-
    From: ken.allsebrook@gmail.com
    To: FC Email Team (Queue)
    Subject: Graves Park – 510841

    As a local resident, I am asking the commission to deny Sheffield City Council the right to the disposal of Cobnar Cottage, basically because they have no right at all to dispose of it.

    The Council has purposely failed to look after historic Cobnar Cottage. This neglect of the cottage may have cost our local park tens of thousands of pounds.

    In fact, the Council has no right to sell the property, because the land – must remain parkland forever and not be sold.

    The actual position on both Cobnar Cottage and the Norton Nurseries site is the same as it is for any part of the park. (They tried to sell Norton Nurseries to an organisation that wanted to build a hospice on the land a few years ago. That failed – and so should this attempt to dispose of land which is not theirs to dispose of.)

    This is charitable parkland and the covenants state clearly that it cannot be sold.


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